Gallery & Testimonials

“Thank you so much for making me look and feel gorgeous. As soon as I walked out with my hair down my back flowing like silk, I booked my glamour shots with a professional photographer, I just had to capture this transformation! Thank you Love Those Extensions.


Hi Dimitra my extensions look so natural and by slicing into it it sits perfectly…Had some great compliments so far. I can’t even feel that they are there, thank you so much”.


Hi Dimitra going really good I love them! They give so much needed volume to my hair! :) xx


Hi dimitra … I absolutely love my hair, and had so many people asking about u. Thankyou so much for making me feel girly again xxxx


Thank you .. my hair looks amazing and the after care tips you have just sent me are very much appreciated. The service you provide and the results have won me over...thank you so much."
Simone (Eltham)